Can it be fixed or am I cooked?

Okay so first off I am 20 y/o and my girlfriend is 21. we have been together going on 3 years now and it’s had its ups and downs, some weeks more downs than ups and I’m not afraid to admit a lot of the downs were my own doing. Well about 2 months ago we split up because I said something’s I very well should not have. She was gone a little over a month but we ended up getting bad together. Well during that period of time she was having sexual relations with one of her coworkers as well as informing people that she was messing with him relationship wise. Well whatever, when she came home she swore she missed me and wanted to be with only me and wanted to grow and have a family with me. Don’t get me wrong I’d love nothing more because she is the love of my life but I just don’t feel sexually attracted to her anymore. Like before she got intimate with another man it was no problem for me to finish and want to go more. But now I just don’t feel the same, it’s not that I think she’s gross or I’m disgusted with her or even that I love her any less. I just can’t get the thought of another man touching her out of my head. It’s been haunting me for the past month she’s been home and I just don’t know if we will ever be the same on a sexual scale.

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