How to manage emotions about something out of my control

I rent a condo in an HOA development. There is a tree outside my window that appears to be in questionable shape, but I nonetheless love seeing it when I wake up in the morning. It’s a Western Hemlock, a tree I don’t see too often in developed areas, my state’s state tree. Though I have no agency in common areas of the development, especially as a tenant here, I wanted to hire an arborist to assess it. I’m a PNW tree enthusiast and I just… care about the tree.

Long story short, I’m pretty sure the HOA has decided to cut it down. They had a landscaper of questionable qualification take a look at it, not an arborist. They further justify the act to help the grass grow, which makes little sense given the orientation of the landscape, but I won’t go into it.

Everyone is telling me to let it go and to save my energy to fight another battle. I’m trying to come to terms with it. I care about something I have no control over (stoics would be slapping me in the face).

How do I find peace when something I care about is going to be destroyed?

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