For the people who moved out a lot ! How did moving out a lot effected you ( in your personality/mental health)

I kept traveling from different country’s , town , schools , i ve never been in the same school more then 2years , every year i would change schools and towns or even countries . I always been isolated , couldn’t have friends , it was very hard for me to understand people, people always saw me as a stranger or the new girl, i always felt different , the only thing that i had was my family and my cat ( my family are very very toxic btw )

For me it broke my personality , i have a big identity crisis , i don’t kn who i am , or where im from , or who i belong to , nothing is familiar , just thinking about moving out again make me want to throw up .

Today i have no friends , no family , no cat . ( and i hate making friends again cuz i feel so left out )

Today it actually killed me ! Everyday im thinking about when its going to end ! I just wanna die .
I have no base , no home , i feel lost , and i can’t express how i feel to no one

The only thing that make me remember who iam is My past but unfortunately my past is also very traumatic .

Can’t lie i tried my best everyday for years to feel better but i can’t ! Its hard i feel like nothing is enough good.

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