25M struggling with life

I’ve been aware for a while now that I might have slight anger issues and tend to hide it well. Maybe because I’m sleep deprived or something. I’ve also grown to realize that I hate this world which seems to be fueling that anger that I repress. No one in my family really knows how I feel because of two reasons being that I hide it and I don’t talk. I’ve been trying to ignore it/ repress it and doesnt seem to help/work. I really don’t like the idea of therapists either yet alone medications. I also tend to notice that I’m very apathetic. Recently I’ve been talking to a woman who is interested in me and apparently I’m making this friendship or whatever you want to call it hard for her. I tried ignoring her for a few days only to find that she cares for me? Why? I don’t understand. I have a hard time expressing myself yet feeling any emotions.
If someone could give me advice or point me in the right direction that would be helpful

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