Pornography addiction

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post, maybe or maybe not. But I have to talk about this. I've been addicted to pornography since I was 16 years old. I've tried to stop watching it and masturbating but it's just such a battle. It disturbs me how many young people have or potentially have access to pornography, especially at a young age as well, the average age of exposure is 9 I think. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from ever going to those sites, I hate it so much, I feel as if my manhood is being stolen from me. I feel as if I will never be as “big” as some male porn actors (yes I'm referring to phallus size, after being addicted to porn as a man you do get insecure). I feel disgusted with myself, I feel worse than any animal.

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