I Am Scared of Time

I am turning 19 soon, and I'm terrified. I don't like change, I'm scared of getting older, I wish I could go back in time. All I feel is dread as I feel that time is just slipping away too fast and I never have enough time to do anything. I am consistently getting this feeling of anxiety when I feel that I'm wasting time, and my heart starts racing more as I become aware of how much time I just wasted. At that point, I feel so panicked that I can't do anything. An example would be I was playing Dark Souls for like the 20th time as one does and I stopped halfway through because I felt that I was wasting time even tho I was doing something I liked. This fear of time has gotten so bad that I try to avoid looking at the time and avoid looking at clocks. Is something wrong with me?

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