Finding Coping Mechanisms Doesn’t Fix Problems

I was in a group therapy session today and we were talking about coping mechanisms and I related my which is finding a new project to completely immerse myself in. Which I've found a coping mechanism, learning to code. It's' become my focus and I am learning a lot faster than I had anticipated. But I related to the group today that this new activity does not fix me, these things only serve as a distraction. Something to take the focus off me, because if I have to think about me, I'll wind up in the hospital again. Amongst the group, a doctor, didn't seem to understand what I meant by this. They thought it was fixing me because I was bettering myself. Bettering my skill set is great, but it's not fixing how I feel inside. Then I had to explain the difference to me between self-confidence and self-esteem. I have self-confidence but zero self-esteem. Anyone else face this internal dilemma?

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