Depression camp

Hello. I'm depressed (and ADHD, ASD, most likely PTSD and another burnout) and I can't deal with it myself, even with therapy and meds.

I've been working hard on my mental health for the past 5 years, but life wasn't giving me a break. The last straw – I'm being laid off of my job soon, I really liked it, it was the only thing that kept me getting up.

I'm "highly functional" and even look decently healthy, but my body is in constant pain because of poor self-care, barely moving and even eating became just whatever to not starve. I don't really have friends and my family is far away. I can't visit them (war). I'm probably asexual and aromantic, I stopped caring about material stuff and I just don't have any motivations.

Now when my job ends, I will have some time and a little bit of money that I won't send to my family. I want to improve my mental health, I can't keep going without reason. I chose to focus on restoring ability to enjoy day-to-day things, like cooking, self-care, hobbies. And making friends! I'm chatty, but don't connect to people, out of sight – out of mind.

And I should be able to work on these things myself, but I failed so many times. I don't want to waste more time and end up in my misery. I'm easily making reasonable plans with my therapist, very positive when I try to discuss it with friends or support groups, but then it's all gone when I'm on my own. I was always chaotic and relied on motivations, so with ADHD I struggle with structure or habits and they never stick, it's constant effort that I can't make now.

Now, as a student, I participated in some clinical trials. The experience was amazing – everything is arranged on the clock and you have no choice, no say in the matter. Like a prison, but better food and cheerful. I miss that place, it was more relaxing than any vacation.

And so I was thinking about similar experiences, but focused on adapting to a normal life and self-care. Like a camp, where a bunch of people live together, cook for each other, have like cooking lessons to make better food; physiotheraphy (guidance would be good to recover at first, when I push myself to do something I end up hurting myself); do some hobbies, like art theraphy and shit; play boardgames, etc.

That sounds like something from a movie, a fancy rehab for rich people. I'm fine with something rustic, but it needs to be something focused on this "develop habits and affection for daily life". Any ideas where to look for something like this? But not a cult / religious / idiological 😀

And maybe someone even has experiences? I'm in Belgium (can move for that period or fully relocate), have EU passport, speak English. Western Europe or non EU probably would be expensive, but Eastern isn't much into mental health.

Hopefully I can find and afford something like this, it's my only hopeful idea. Thanks.

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