Is actually repressing yourself from social situation self destructive or just good discipline?

I want to become a better person and to that I want to take a step back from the world around me to get a better judgement of who I am as a person, who I was, who I am and who what I want to be. I don't think Im able to start fresh if I'm still doing the same things over and over again. I think repressing my self from the world will make me a more reserved person but I also think that it could cause problems if I get to fluctuate with isolation. So would you consider repression a form of self harm or just a step to better ones self?

2 Replies to “Is actually repressing yourself from social situation self destructive or just good discipline?

  1. I’m biased towards this because growing up I was a very introverted person and avoided confrontation as much as I could. I’m still pretty reserved to this day, but I’m not an extrovert by any means and don’t mind calling out BS when I see or hear it now.

    There’s a reason why there’s the sayings like “silence is golden” and “the smartest person in the room is the one that doesn’t say anything”. I’m also a believer in not talking about something you have absolutely no knowledge of. There is a huge difference between having a speculative conversation with uninformed opinions and a well-informed, creditable conversation.

    This is subjective, but even if you’re a well educated person who has experienced the ups and downs of life for quite a while you could still learn a few things from being more reserved. The only time I’ve seen people do more harm than good when they’re to themselves more is when they’re in a rut or bad point in their life and not actively pursuing help, whether it’s self help or professional.

    Just my 2c

  2. I think it’s sad that people are unaccepting of others to such an extent that people feel they have to withdraw from socializing in order to be good enough or seen as socially acceptable. We’re supposed to learn by doing, and it seems so often people are not given much of a chance to. We’re all imperfect: why can’t we work together?

    I, however, am one of those people.

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