My boyfriend’s sister kicked him and I out and I have no idea what to do.

Quite literally what the title is, My boyfriend’s sister kicked us out. He says it’s not my fault but she definitely made it seem like it was, we slept in the car for the first night and he couldn’t sleep and all I can do is blame myself; that if I wasn’t there or maybe I was less “weird” she wouldn’t have. I’m not sure exactly the reason as I just paid her rent, helped her clean the whole house, give her rides everywhere never asking for gas money, was the only one putting food in the house for awhile, watched her kids whenever she asked, and never asked her for a thing. I know it sucks living with people and I knew she wasn’t exactly excited for me to be there but I made sure multiple times before I came there she and her fiancé were okay with it. I told my boyfriend if she says he can go back he should as I will not ask him to sleep in the car with me or make him feel like he needs to because I am but he said if she does he won’t go back he’d rather sleep in the car, but I think he should go back if he is offered it as I will figure something out. He is going to talk to her today and I hope she’ll let him back and he takes it but we’ll see. I’ve been nonstop crying because I don’t want him to be in this situation and I blame myself I feel lost and don’t know where to go from here as my family wouldn’t take me in as they all have their own kids and my parents are firm on not having anyone in their house again. I guess I just needed to rant for anyone who took the time to read thank you.

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