Check in on people who…

Checking In: Reaching Out to Those Who May Need Support

1) Have been quiet recently, as they might be feeling isolated.
Send a simple message like, "Hey, I noticed you’ve been quiet lately. How are you doing?"

2)Never seek assistance, because they may be struggling in silence.
Offer specific help: "I know you don't usually ask for help, but I’m here for you. Can I assist with anything?"

3)Always appear cheerful, since they could be masking their true feelings.
Express genuine concern: "You always seem so happy, but I just wanted to check in and see how you’re really doing."

4)Seem 'strong', because they might be under significant pressure.
Acknowledge their strength and offer support: "You always handle things so well, but I’m here if you ever need to talk or take a break."

5)Look like they have everything 'figured out', as appearances can be deceiving.
Show understanding: "You seem to have everything under control, but if you ever need a hand, I'm here."

6)Are navigating life transitions, because change can be challenging.
Offer to listen or help: "Transitions can be tough. Do you want to talk about how things are going?"

7)Are always supporting others, since they often neglect their own needs.
Show appreciation and offer support: "You’re always there for everyone else. Let me be there for you this time."

8)Say they're 'fine', as they might be hiding their struggles.
Gently probe: "You say you’re fine, but if there’s more going on, I’m here to listen."

9)You haven't heard from in a while, because they might be feeling forgotten.
Reconnect: "It’s been a while since we last talked. How have you been?"

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