It’s my birthday and I lost everything today

I’m not one to typically get sad. I put so much effort into everyone and everything around me.

I went into work today and was told to clean my desk, fired.
I went home and fell asleep, then I had an appointment at a community college to register again. They told me all of my credits from HS and my preliminary courses have to be retaken because I’ve been out of school for 5 years and they don’t count towards the degree I wanted. I never heard of this. So now I have to start over.

On my way home from college my tie rod on my car somehow broke and had to be towed away.

I typically don’t mind how many happy birthdays I get for each year but so far, not a single person said anything to me. I just think on top of some major stressors I dealt with today, it’s a cherry on top.

I just been laying on my couch all day in the dark. Today was the first day in probably years that I’ve cried. All the things I worked hard for seemed to be ripped away from me today. I just seem like I’m forgotten about

EDIT I love u humans, thanks for being kind.


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