Is this worth talking to my therapist about

Im not asking for anything related to diagnosis!! i just want to know if its something i should talk to my therapist about. Not asking for what this means. I hope this isnt against the rules i apologize if so

I don't have anyone to talk to about this except my therapist but Id feel better asking someone first personally since i'm scared.(Also last time I told her about something related to mental health she told my mom) I think I might have OCD and I want to ask someone if something I struggle with is OCD or just a me thing. I want to see if it is worth talking to my therapist about. Thank you

I have always had bad intrusive thoughts specifically the ones about mutilating myself and i have to hit myself in a specific place a specific amount of times or it will come true, i also have checking routines at night that i have to do twice. I am scared when away from my stuff/home and i become distressed when my stuff is moved out of place. another thing i get is i have to wash my hands or im scared all the food will rot. Im constantly scared im going to hurt the people around me and i check over stuff i say before sending because i worry i might have accidentally said something awful I worry im an awful person

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