I think I may still have trauma from past relationships – how to I stop this affecting my future?

Both relationships I’ve been in I’ve got cheated on by my partner, my most recent relationship (about a year & a half / two years ago) she stole from me, lied about her dad dying of cancer while cheating on me. This obviously affected me a lot at the time however I feel like that situation is way past me and I’m healed from it. I’m in a talking stage with someone and they’re a few hours distance from me but we’re really sweet with each other. However as of recent when she travels to a different city (hour plus) to see whoever (I don’t know) she won’t talk to me & ignore me all day compared to the usual constant talking. She’ll also completely air my question every time I ask what she’s getting up to / what mates she’s meeting in “said city” this is purely me just trying to chat and communicate to keep my mind at ease. How do I get past feeling like my worlds ending when I’m put in this position, talking stage – they’re going off travelling to see “mates” but ignore me the whole time they are away with them or whoever it is, it takes a toll on my mental health and I just wish I could understand why. Oh yeah and she also mentioned this guy she was talking to mid way through me & her talking stage for a bit but she stopped. He coincidentally lives in the city she’s gone to. This may just be me going worse case scenario but the fact me & her were having a convo about that guy just 2 days ago and now she’s going to his city idkkk.

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