Just need a vent would love advice to.

So, so far I’ve had: Focus on self, it’ll get better, try this crisis line if self harm thoughts or this service or your gp referral, talk to support person & oh this service (PPA & PPD plus baby focused) can help parents of small kids.

I’ve had it (plus OCD, anxiety & stress. Had PPA & PPD after both kids) since I was 14 I’m 36 now, it was under control then the following has happened. Sorry this is really long.

A family member is likely in a romance scam & they’re not listening to fact.

The suspected scammer has constant excuses why they can’t meet, the newest is that the landlord threw her & 2 young kids out not paying rent for a month. The landlord supposedly was using Bitcoin.
The scammers first excuse for not meet was they feel asleep at wheel (while pregnant) busted face, needed op to fix which happened last month, oh but they out of pocket paid cause Medicare (Aussie) wouldn’t cover…that’s a lie.

They couldn’t have the supposed friend bring daughter to my kids party for some reason, oh but he’s spoken to the friend not her on phone & has pics he claims are the kids.

He’s in so deep he’s calling her love of his life & saying they’re his kids now.
He’s sent her money to, I’m terrified I’m going to lose my loved one.

They’ve only had one serious adult relationship & that one ended with her passing suddenly due to health reasons.

Hes so convinced he’s going to be dad to this persons kids, when I try explaining doubts I get told I don’t want him happy, that I’m jealous of the attention, that I want to tell him how to live his life.

Shes apparently said doesn’t trust him….yet happily takes his money, he’s working 7 day weeks to support her “she can’t work” but if she has kids she’d be on Centrelink payments plus Newstart.

He told his boss hell need a week off next month if he can get the money together next month to go help her.

This has been since roughly Aug last year!

He said on the phone to his boss Sunday that if she lets him down or turns out to be lying, it’ll end him. I’ve tried talking to him it doesn’t get through.

Now I have the constant worry he’s going to go take his life (has multiple means to if he tries) over a fake person because he’s sick of being hurt.

Another loved one who’s got history of trying to take own life but 10+ years ago but still has those feelings in back of his mind.

Trying to be a good mum to my kids (5 years with delays wait list for speech therapy & ASD diagnosis. 3 year old who’s only just started to calm after really bad terrible twos) without a mum of my own to turn to.

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