Daughter almost drowned, husband didn’t even flinch

Today we went swimming at a small lake where there’s a little beach and stuff at a gated community. Daughter (3 yr old) managed to unbuckle her float device and go back in the water. Long story short, (because this is not the issue at hand), our other daughter (almost 6) came running over saying -3 yr old daughter- couldn’t swim. I looked over and she was half faced under water. Of course I instantly ran as fast as I could and to where she was and grabbed her. I have never felt so scared for her and had such near death worry as that moment. Seeing her face and the fear. Her mouth and eyes wide open. She is now fine, she quickly recovered, definitely had coughed up a lot of water, almost vomited. I sat with her holding her tight, scared more than I’ve ever been. It’s now the evening and I keep imagining her face, and all the what-ifs. I want to cry at the thought of our carelessness, and how fragile life is. How I almost lost her. I am so damn upset about the whole thing.

My husband, however, did.not.flinch. NO concern for her, no running after me to also semi go into water. No speaking of any concern, and no reaction or sympathy to the whole situation overall, nor to me being upset. Like no mention of how it was so close to being so bad, no mention of how scared it made him. Nothing. And he had the nerve to ask if me speaking of the incident and looking at him for some sort of emotion, was if I was trying to blame him?? NO! I am not trying to blame him! But holy F$&k I have never seen someone so less concerned about an emergency as I did with him today.

Overall, if the kids and I are hurt or sick, he says absolutely nothing. He could care less. He never asks how we are, never says in so sorry you don’t feel well, etc. Is it just me or is it because he is a guy?? Or why??? Does he have major underlying mental health concerns??

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