top 10 red flags in narcissistic/ manipulative men

  1. comments way too much on your physical flaws
    (mentioning you have small or big features w slight distain)
  2. his family wonders why you’re with him, especially if they know you’re smarter than him
  3. lovebombing too fast (says/does all the right things very early on)
  4. they attempt to hide you (no public dates, no pda of ANY kind (even verbal!!))
  5. the rely on you financially / emotionally
  6. they are mentally or financially unstable & rely on you in emergencies wayyyyy too much
  7. they don’t personalize the gifts / things they give you
  8. they constantly are expecting you to do more for them / never satisfied with the acts of service you do
  9. they gaslight you about genuinely suspicious behavior / flip arguments onto you & never take full responsibility. if they do they say things like “i’ll just shut up” “im always in the wrong.”
  10. habitual lying about small things / whereabouts & who they are around ..

i recently was cheated on & abandoned by a man who held all of these qualities. PLEASE leave as soon as you see 2 of these.

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