Please help me with how to talk to people with depression.

My friend (18 M) has lost his mother 5 years ago or so. We were talking until a moment ago and I was trying to comfort him and trying my best. He told me stuff like : ‘i forgot my mothers voice’ ‘why did god do this to me’ ‘i didn’t think that the time will come when I will pray that god actually takes my soul’ and so on.

I tried my best comforting him tellin him stuff like : ‘enjoy the family you have bro what if you went missing how would they feel imagine that’ ‘try to push it more’ ‘i pray that this doesnt happen to anyone else’ ‘what if your mom saw what you will acomplish in life how would she feel? She would feel proud( i was unsure to say this one but I said it)’

He just kept denying everything I tried to give him reason to live for and told me your the first person I actually opened up like this. He told me that I try to push my sadness when going out with you guys ( me and the 2-3 other friends) .

His situation: He is actually very very smart but because of what happened evrything went downhill for him his grades and stuff ( he was first place in the nation for mathematics at a time). He isn’t financially very good but his brother is working something with networks and he will get into thst work too soon. He has 2 brothers and his father. He isn’t good looking but he goes to the gym .

Side note: our primary school teachers husband died recently from cancer and his mother also died from cancer too.

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