Everyday is a struggle fighting depression… but I’m trying 🥲

For several years now, it's felt like I take 1 step forward and get knocked 2 steps back. This cycle repeats every 1-3 months. What knocks me back is usually related to my physical chronic health (flareup, infections) and it makes me feel so hopeless.

It's gotten to the point where daily life is not intuitive for me anymore. It takes so much effort to get out of bed, to eat, shower, talk, think… It's exhausting to exist. I still haven't finished my breakfast yet.

But I'm trying.

I have a psychiatrist and a therapist I like. I've started SSRIs

I'm reaching out to friends and family for help.

If I can't finish my breakfast, then I'll try to at least take 3 more bites.

3 Replies to “Everyday is a struggle fighting depression… but I’m trying 🥲

  1. It will get better. When I started sertraline, i just felt jumpy. From crying for 8 hours on my birthday i went to just being grateful about my life while going to sleep at 12AM.

  2. The best advice I was given was from my mother and it was “ when this whole thing passes you’ll only remember the good” there is good in most things I don’t know if this will help but I’m trying I know it’s hard I really do I’m in a pickle myself at this current moment I’m here and so are alot of people you will get better and everything falls into place just give it time

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