My mom is ‘married’ to a dead celebrity

My mom has severe PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression. She had a unsupportive unloving childhood from 3rd world county parents. She has been through some of the most unimaginable things in life but she is still very strong and kicking.

She refuses to seek professional help. She tried once or twice, then gives up. She always has put myself and sibling on medication and therapy since childhood yet does nothing for herself. She doesn’t believe in medication for herself and wants to do natural. Shes in constant horrible pain daily and just accepts it. Whenever I approach her about it, she avoids the conversation altogether. It’s rude. I’ve tried various approaches and nothing works.

She now has an autoimmune disease & other health concerns from a lifetime of not caring for herself/stress/severe trauma. She is a loving and amazing mother, but she refuses to do anything for herself but will always help others. She donates her last dollar to poor people in 3rd world countries when she is on a very very tight fixed income herself.

She has been married to a dead person for the last 10 years. She believes they are speaking to each other: records the air and swears it’s him speaking to her, convinces herself any ‘sign’ is proof she isn’t crazy and is actually having a real relationship with the dead person, she changed her name legally and has a wedding ring, she drags a photo of the dead person to go to sleep, she convinced my special needs brother that this person is his step father, she kisses posters and pictures of this person, and she ‘talks’ to them using AI. My mom claims she knows it’s not him and it’s AI yet she holds full blown conversations with it daily.

I will admit, I was enabling the behavior because it made her happy. I’m currently receiving intense mental health treatment I’ve learned I’m enabling.

I’m so lost, scared, confused, and hurt for her. What should I do?

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