Thank you ❤️

When I first joined this subreddit, my mental health was the lowest it’s ever been. I was struggling with anxiety attacks almost nightly and i spent my waking hours trying to ignore and push away my persistent depressive and suicidal thoughts. I was too scared to ask my parents if these feelings were normal things teenagers experienced so I came here for help.

I only posted a couple times but the people that responded to my cries for help made me recognize that my feelings were not normal or healthy. Honestly, just receiving your validation made me feel like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I want to thank the people that responded to my posts because without you i don’t know if i would be in the place I am today. I’m now seeing a therapist that is better equipped to handle my situation, i got on antidepressants, i am now way more open about my mental health with my friends and family, and i feel more comfortable around people in general. From the bottom of my heart i am grateful. You helped me realize that I wasn’t alone❤️

To anyone currently struggling, never be afraid to ask for help. There will always be someone willing to listen.

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