How to be happy with life

I don’t know what to do with life. The first time I got kicked out was when I was 12, no where to go. Until I was 18 that happened practically every year. However, 10th grade I got kicked out and I just quit. I again had nowhere to go, with no friends this time. That year everything hit me. All the abuse, trauma, and everything else I went through just hit me. I was homeless for two months because no one would help me, going through school during that. After two months I moved back in with my mom. It wasn’t great, but it was a place to stay. But a problem persisted, my mental health wasn’t allowing me to successfully focus on school, causing me to fail 10th grade. They allowed me to go onto 11th grade after going to court, due to my missing days of school. I failed that year with a 1.2 gpa after being an honor roll kid all the years prior. After 10th grade I got a 3.4 gpa in 11th and then 3.6 gpa in 12th. After I graduated, I moved out of my mom’s house. I was homeless for a month, but it was better than the constant battering. Now almost 2 years later I am on my feet and wondering what to do with my life. I know what to do now, but I have no family to stay with if I go to college and the biggest thing, my gpa. Even though I was a good student, I ended with 2.6 gpa. So now I’m lost, and I just wish I was so different. I wish I got a better hand.

I just live with a roommate I’ll soon have to move out of because of leasing and I’m finding a new job so I’m just really unsure of what to do from here. Normally people have some kind of family, but I have no one. And this whole thing is so lonely without one. I no longer want to give up in life for the most part but I never expected to get this far, so I have no plan.

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