grieving the death of a stranger

In the past months, I have been following world events much more than I used to.
I'm emotionally agiated about all the horrific world events. but there's one case that got a little closer to my heart the other day.
There are many children that went missing in germany, I kept following updates.
There was a new case of a child that went missing before school in the beginning of june. A 9 years old ukraine girl that came to germany with her mother, grandmother and little sister. On tuesday, they said they found a dead body in the forest. On wednesday, they confirmed it was her. I was absolutely shocked and in the very second I read the tragic news, I bursted out crying for 2 hours, and whenever it passes my mind, I'm still shedding a tear. Now I'm feeling a loss that isn't even mine. The thought what her mother feels, her grandmother, her father, her little sister, her friends in school, the family from far away. I cannot put in words how much it hurts to think about it. not only that, it's beyond horrific and sad to be aware what she went through, the fear, the hopelessness, the sudden turn of events, the pain this monster of a human being caused her. Just imagine you already lost your home, you have to leave your family members and friends behind for god knows how long, you do your best to learn german, you believe you're safe, then your daughter walks through the door the very last time and you don't even know it has been the last time you hugged her.
all these things float through my head. it makes my physically heart hurt.
yet again, my faith in humanity is tested, I have no idea how someone is capable to beat a child to death. a child that has already been traumatized by war, a child that already had difficulties learning a foreign language in a foreign country at the age of 7.
My heart is absolutely bleeding.

on top of that, I think something is wrong with me because this has emotionally affected me. I have been crying over this tragedy for a week now.

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