I don’t have a reason to wake up tomorrow

All the joy is just gone from my life Im failing everyone at work I know all my clients hate me my business is going nowhere I can't enjoy being around my friends I'm fat and ugly and no matter how hard I try and lose weight it doesn't happen my diabetes is getting out of control I'm regularly hitting 20 on my blood sugar levels I'm compleatly losing my eyesight and because of my medication I've always either in pain or feeling sick I can't enjoy being around my friends anymore cause every second I see them I'm reminded how much better they are than me and I can't even enjoy time with my partner i don't feel pleasure when I have sex and I don't even feel loved anymore I used to get such a warm feeling when she told me she loved me but for a long time now i just or hear the words and feel nothing all i ever feel anymore is disappointed sad angry and depressed I just don't see the point in living anymore why should I even bother to get out of bed when it takes so much effort and i achieve nothing doing it but another shit day feeling miserable im always going to die one day and does it really change anything if it happens this morning or in 50 years I'm 24 ive already wasted my chance to do anything with my life therapy cant help me winning at league can't help me my life is just over I had so many dreams that I wanted to achieve but now I feel than ever that I'll never achieve any of them I mean not once in my life did i even succeed in somting i really put my mind too no matter how hard i tired why would that ever change I'm just 1 in 8 billion I'm a spect of uniportant nothing and I'll die forgotten leaving this world the exact same as I found it

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