
I’m currently studying for med school but I have never been the high achieving type and I also play sports professionally but I haven’t been able to make it to a high level but my parents keep supporting me a lot and they never get angry or anything due to my failures and I also have anger issue so sometimes I talk rudely to them whereas my little brother is really talented at both sports and studies and has achieved more than me but it’s not like I feel jealous or anything, in-fact I feel happy for him and hope the best for him but I also feel really bad that my parents do the same for me but I haven’t been able to achieve anything in my life (I’m 16 btw ) and it’s just do overwhelming cause anything I do there are so many people better than me at it and recently I had an argument with my dad and I wanna kill myself for talking rudely with him cause he works very hard for me and my brother since we aren’t very wealthy and I want to apologize to him but I dont to him to even talk to him anymore and it’s just too much for me now and I can’t continue anymore , now I constantly think about ending it all . I don’t know what to do anymore …..

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