Why do I feel sad when good things happen to me but not to others?

An example, if my friend and I both wanted a cat, but only I got it, they feel happy for me and all, but the fact that they didn't get it too, makes me feel unhappy, I'm unable to feel happy if something that someone I'm close with and I want something, but only I get it.

It was just an example though, it happens with a lot of things, like when I got into college, when I get good grades but my friends don't, when I get things in games but my friends don't, I feel happy for a short period of time, but as soon as I think about them, I just get really sad and wish it'd happen to them too. And I feel worse when they ask and I tell them, I feel as if I was bragging about it when I'm not.

I know I'm allowed to be happy when good things happen to me, but if others don't have the chance to feel happy when we both want it, it makes me feel even guilty. It's like if you're hungry and you're eating but your friend is by your side, also hungry, and doesn't have any food.

Not sure if this is normal, but I'd be thankful to get and opinion, or any suggestions about things I could do to be able to enjoy when good things happen to me.

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