Please help, advice wanted.

Female, 18yrs, ~107lbs.

I have some concerns and am quite worried.

– blood in stool
– sudden sharp abdomen pain lasting hours causing nausea
– diarrhoea and abdominal pain (especially post eating)
– physical feeling of anxiety (stomach pain, chest flutters, dizziness, cold sweats, nausea etc), without anything to be anxious about
– dark yet almost fluorescent, foul smelling urine (despite drinking plenty of water)
– bruising that doesn’t go away for a long time
– I get extremely depressed in the days pre menstruation (mother has PMDD, I am undergoing assessment for it soon)
– menstruation is irregular in length lasting anywhere from 6-11 days and heavy throughout.

This could of course be nothing, but I am feeling uneasy (mentally and physically) and constantly in a state of anxiety (not sure why tho…)
I don’t know but I constantly feel the physical symptoms of being anxious despite no reason to do so.

Could this be a food allergy (coeliac?) or an autoimmune issue (my parents both have thyroid issues), maybe a psychological issue? I’m not sure.
Would it be worth getting this checked out?

Please feel free to ask regarding any history etc…

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