My face doesnt reflect who I am inside

I feel like my face doesnt really reflect who I am on the inside. The reason that I got this face seems so random, like just what my genetics randomized to put on my head. It doesnt feel like it shows/represents 'me'.

My facial features make me look like im dumb, which upsets me and I think doesn't represent me, and if I were given the chance I would have picked a much more sleek and intelligent looking face. My fear is though, what if I really am as dumb as my face implies? That its fair that I got this face because it reflects the truth?

My opinion on bodies is weird because how much can you say your body is really 'you'? Or represents you? Your body is like at least half not you. You dont know what its doing all the time, when youre unhealthy or sick it doesnt always pipe up and say how and why, theres really so little going on in our bodies that we are aware of and yet we say they are us and represent us. To me my body is mostly a vessel/transportation for my brain rather than 'me'

That said I honestly think if I were given a choice of appearance before I was born somehow, I probably wouldn't have picked the way I look now. Maybe that's true for most ugly people though. Ugly faces mark bad traits in the bearer. Isn't that why people arent attracted to ugly people? Because evolution wants the fittest to reproduce and ugliness marks being unfit?

Anyway this is all to say I feel like my face doesnt represent the real me, and thinking that it does represent me depresses me because if it represents who I really am then I must be a stupid, unfriendly, mean person from the way my face looks.

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