When ever I try to improve myself, my mind just brings me back.

I don’t know where to start, I’ve always been a little fatass. Moms always been a drunk, dads always been gone. Now that I’m 18 I’ve began to realize some things. I was diagnosed with sever OCD, a little over a year ago,as well as suspected severe ADHD. A little over two weeks ago, and it’s somewhat opened my eyes. Whenever I would try to enjoy something why Brian would always put me down, when I tried to improve my body and mind, it’s never worked out. Even when I’m with family. I have these disgusting thoughts out of nowhere and I felt like I was a serial killer in the making. The only time I ever felt I had control was when I was cutting myself, that’s the time when I knew exactly what to do and how to do. When my family found out, they weren’t really happy. My aunt shared the ordeal to most of the family. Even when I got help, I still have it in the back of my mind, I can’t talk to my therapist about it. There first and only solution is to send me to a mental hospital, can’t tell my family. It’s not like they give a damn. The only mental health situation they’ve dealt with is my grandpas and moms alcoholism. Now even more then ever, I want to change, I want to be a a working member of society. I want to be human. But I just feel like I can’t. My
Mind just brings me back in.

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