Can media cause or trigger mental health issues? (Paranoia/hallucinations)

So this may be a bit long.

When I was a teenager, I went through a period of watching cop shows like criminal minds, the anime Attack on Titan, and playthroughs of the video game 5 nights at Freddy's on YouTube. But I started realized they had a negative effect on me.

Starting with crime shows, I believe I became very paranoid. At the time, I was living in a townhouse on the bottom floor. I started believing someone would break into the house and shoot me and my family. This caused me to check if the front door was locked multiple times during the night every night. I slept where the backdoor was that opens directly to the back woods. No backyard or anything. So I started staying up all night, and only sleeping when it was light enough to see outside since i thought someone would come through the woods at night. I was also generally fearful in public settings like school and church.

Combine this with hallucinations of animations and titans coming to get me thanks to 5 nights at Freddy's and attack on titan. I would get nightmares related to this also.

Now it has been years since then. Pretty much all of that has died out. I don't watch crime media or the news, because I feel like it would be easy for me to be paranoid like that again. My sleep schedule has never fully recovered, but I don't get nightmares anymore. I don't get hallucinations related to that media anymore. I think I still get them, but randomly and not related to anything. (Like yesterday I though I saw an orange cat run into my apartment bathroom for a split second, which caused me to scream and shake.) And I can't watch any horror movies whatsoever. Like the scariest movie I've seen is Coraline. But I can watch 5 nights at Freddy's playthroughs again (except for the 4th game)

So long story short, I am just wondering if this is cause for concern or not. I mean mostly everything has gone away except the few and far between auditory/visual/tactile hallucinations. But I don't know how seriously people in general are affected by this type of media.

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