Getting through it

i have to commit to something for 2 years… and it involves me moving away and doing it alone (no friends or family)… i want to get through it… because i know how important it is for me to do… for my future’s sake and for potentially for my family’s too… but im really really afraid of mentally breaking (cause it’s happened before… multiple times) … my throat has been in a knot for the past week just thinking about it… but i HAVE to make this work :/ my mind is oscillating between ‘its fine, you know you can do this’ to ‘fuck im not emotionally/mentally ready for this at all’

i was just wondering what advice anyone has to get me through moments where i feel really weak and hopeless about sticking to what i need to do (there are certain moments i reach where it is incredibly easy for me to want to quit regardless of the circumstances… rationality goes out the window)… i dont really have close friends to reach out to at this point in my life… and i cannot concern my family… it worries them and usually ends up in arguments that go nowhere…

i can provide more context if necessary… but yeah id really appreciate any practical tips/advice for getting through difficult times which involve self doubt/quitting/hopelessness coupled with no social support system you could rely on mainly cause ill be somewhere new on my own.

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