How to Manage Moving Across the Country When You’re Neurodivergent?

Long story short my fiancée and I are moving from the East Coast to the Midwest to be closer to their family. I have had a really stressful year (I had major surgery earlier this year and lost a parent a few months ago). We are leaving in three days. We're driving separately and taking everything we can fit in our vehicles (including three cats and a dog).

I am so beyond stressed and I am really struggling while trying to be productive and make sure we're all set for the move. I know moving is stressful for everyone, but I have an extensive trauma history and struggle with C-PTSD among other fun diagnoses. I have been feeling physically ill from exhaustion and stress and find myself dissociating WAY more often than normal, especially while driving. I'm really worried about dissociating while driving and getting into a car accident and hurting myself and my pets.

I was wondering if anyone else who is neurodivergent has advice or support for moving across the country. I feel I am becoming a basket case with the upcoming move. Even though I think it will be a good thing to move and I am excited, I am shaking, dizzy, nauseous, and dissociating on and off like every day at this point. 🙁

Thank you in advance.

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