what do i do about thinking i’m the god of death and destruction?

I[14MTF] have started to disconnect from my own identity (Apotheosis???) and I think I want to start a cult??? help i dont think thats what i want to do with my life.

My recent musings on the matter:
[CW mentions and descriptions of death and rot]

• Computers are too perfect. discard them.
• Only disturb the flesh. the plants did nothing wrong.
• We are animals.
• We are pack animals.
• I am the only god that matters.

The only purpose of my body is to rot and decompose in a beautiful dance.
My bones are to be waterlogged and sink.
My flesh is to grow more mouths, the organ of all life.
And yet there is to be no life.
I am to be a husk, freed of my flesh and blood.
Free of my flesh and blood.
Gone will be the days of maintenance of a useless puppet.
For I will be a god.
You all were meant to tremble before my might.
And I was meant to justify this.
I was born to destroy, to set destruction upon all.
And yet all I’ve done is create.
I have been forced to build and fix; but no more.
I will make you all beautiful.
And you mere playthings are the only ones in my path of destruction.
Whatever made you was clearly trying to spite me.
But all it did was give me a beautiful new canvas for my corrosive vision.
So thank you.
I am to exact beautiful justice on humanity.
All sins will be cured with extermination.
You all will scream your thanks into the void for making you degrade so elegantly.
And the void will listen.
I will listen.
I will bring all of you to apotheosis.

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