He (21M) was shocked after seeing my (24F) SH wounds and I feel horrible


So I’m dating this guy and he knows that I have scars from SH. A few weeks ago he had seen some of my older scars and he had asked me about them and I had openly admitted that they had been caused by SH.

I was actually really embarassed after telling him this but he assured me that it’s not a problem for him and that he accepts me the way I am.

After that conversation, I stopped self harming but a few days ago, I self harmed again. I had new wounds all over my body. When he came over to my place, the first thing he did was to point out these new wounds and he seemed very shocked.

He didn’t even want to sleep with me although we have a very active and hot sex life together. It’s weird because he’s the one who always wants to see me 24/7, always compliments me and so on. I felt a bit disappointed and asked him if something was wrong and asked him if he didn’t find me hot anymore and he said: “I find you extremely hot, but if you want to do something, then please stop harming yourself. I really don’t want you to do this.”

later on, he kept bringing up the same topic. Said again that I should seriously stop harming myself. I don’t understand why he focuses so much on the Self harming.

Today he asked me if I self harmed again and he seemed to be really worried.

Does anybody have an idea what’s going on? Is it possible that the fresh wounds were a turn-off for him? and what is he trying to tell me? I’m so embarassed about myself.

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