Why am i so stressed about others pain and hardship?

For example, My roomate went through a very painful medical procedure and i was stressed before it. Because i am always stressed almost as much as the person about to go through the actual thing. I suppose thats normal because who likes to see the people you care about get hurt right?. The thing is she came home and told me about the agonizing pain after it was over etc and i got extreme ammount of anxiety just from hearing it. I could not stop getting pictures in my head and everyone felt like a stab.

The thing is, i feel so ashamed for it. I’m not the one going through pain or experiencing it, what do i have to be anxious over? I can’t talk about because it feels like i’m trying to steal sympathy. It’s freaking me out and i feel like such a attention seeker. I even get more anxious than the person who should be the most anxious. I hate it
Why is this? Can i do something about it?
I have to this is silly

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