Is there any difference between the psychological consequences of being abandoned by one parent vs both parents?

I was abandoned and abused by both parents and I’m very mentally ill and completely dysfunctional. I was wondering if the double abandonment correlates with higher severity of mental illness.

Everyone I’ve ever known had at least one parent who was more or less abusive, and in most instances, the family dynamic was compromised of a passive but hardworking mother and a deadbeat loser father. However all the friends in such families turned out wildly successful in life and are pretty normal, competent, good-hearted people. I on the other hand am a total failure without any financial stability and I’m a total deadbeat loser who quit university and can’t get a job. My mother was a hysterical narcissist and father was a violent sociopath. They were both extremely aggressive, to the point that they tried to kill each other. My ex-friend was the only other person I know off that was abandoned and abused by both her parents, and despite the fact she was high-functioning, she was batshit insane, believing in conspiracies and was super self-centered and selfish.

Is there any correlation?

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