I seriously can’t do this job anymore

Hello, so i’m 17F and i started my first job 1 month ago, it’s at a pub.
i’m a very anxious person and up until the point of me getting this job my anxiety had been the worse i’ve ever had, can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t focus, constantly loosing breath and butterflies in stomach whenever wherever.
i thought starting a job i’d only be nervous for my first or second shift and i’d be fine ( i only work weekends as i’m a student in full time education) but i really really needed the money, but every time i’m there i freak out ( i hide it no one knows) but inside i genuinely feel like i’m about to burst and die it’s so horrible, i can’t eat before i start my shift from anxiety, i’m constantly thinking about quitting but my parents would be so so mad at me and i’d be upset at myself i let my anxiety get the best of me. but i don’t know what i’m doing there, i constantly make mistakes and struggle talking to customers and handing food over, and even if i was good at that stuff i know i’d still have the constant sickness and butterflies.
at the moment they have only put me on 3-5 hour shifts saturdays and sundays and i get £6.40 an hour i just genuinely think there is no point of the stress it’s giving me to carry on.
i think i’d much rather have a job in a grocery store at the till, or a clothing store. but starting off as a bar tender, food runner, cleaner, taking orders just genuinely is too much for a first job and especially with my conditions.
what should i do? should i quit after only 5 shifts or should i hang on even though idek how that’ll be possible with how my stomach is acting up.

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