I’ve been depressed for all of 2024 and I can’t snap myself out of it

I was diagnosed with depression when I was 11 years old – this is my 10th year living with it.

I often go through really down months but since I have been on meds my life has seemed really great for the past year and a half.

No matter what I do I have no motivation, to study, to eat, to cook, to clean and go to placement.

It is only my partner picking up my slack that is helping.

I keep watching those stupid “get my life together” videos or write lists of goals and all my to do’s but it seems to make it worse.

Does anybody have any advice for jumpstarting myself lmao to at least try.

Edit: thank you for the advice and concern. I have been seeing the same therapist for over 4 years and he really helped in the beginning but I’m thinking it might be time to part ways. I feel as if sometimes he gives me almost a “free pass” for certain behaviour, because of previous experiences and trauma but I want to be held accountable. Yes there are reasons but it’s not an excuse.

I have been offered so many wonderful opportunities and it is killing me that I am so down all the time I’m not even appreciating and making the most of what I do have.

The thing is I can’t seem to pin point a trigger, it’s just come over me and there seems to be no way out.

Thank you for your support and suggestions, I’m going to try some and let you know how it goes.

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