Can I share some incredibly good news I’d gotten today?

I had a vision/daydream/whatever as I was meditating a few days ago that I would get a letter from the Social Security Office saying we will be getting money as a back payment (I didn’t know which of my disabled children the back payment was for tho)…this thought had actually woken me out of the trance! I dismissed it as pure BS and wishful thinking (finances had been on my mind a lot at the time).

Fast forward a few days to today. I got a letter from the Social Security Office saying…

You won’t believe this…

They owe me (as Rep Payee for my minor son) a LARGE back payment for SSI benefits he’d been entitled to, but hadn’t received from the end of 2022 into early 2023 or something.

Guys…I nearly fainted. I had to sit down (in a half-full small laundry basket lol!)…

I still don’t believe it.

It has to be a mistake, right?

Not to mention I HAD SEEN THIS COMING (that vision I’d had during meditation) AND I DON’T REALLY BELIEVE TOO MUCH IN THAT KIND OF STUFF!! Holy hell. I don’t know whether to be totally spooked or to throw a party. I AM grateful! I have to set up an account for this money and I should have it shortly (within a week or two), deposited into that account.

This solves SO SO SO many issues. It’s well over what we need and I can only save so much of it (I’m on Disability too) before it will affect my benefits.

So I’m grateful and a bit shell-shocked still. TY for reading!

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