I’m struggling

Hello, I know no one is probably gonna see this but I need an outlet right now. I’ve never done a Reddit post before so this is kinda weird lol.

I’m (F17) and atm I’m fucking struggling. I don’t have a hard life at all I don’t even have a right to be complaining because I’ve legit only got myself to blame for all of this.

I’m at college currently and I’m so behind on work I feel like I’m drowning in papers and past assignments. I’ve got things due in, in a couple days that I’ve not even started yet but I cannot find a single bone in my body that has the will power to do it. It’s like I’m staring at my laptop screaming at myself to just open the fucking lid and get on with it yet I can’t move. I don’t want to get out of bed I’ve no energy to eat or even sleep I just am rotting my life away.

I’m so dumb to the point where I don’t understand a single thing and have to ask for help from my college friends to even get a singular piece of work done. I don’t understand the words it just doesn’t make sense. I can’t understand what to do without clear instructions and being told step by step.

I feel there is something so wrong with me, why can’t I just be like everyone else? Why do I struggle so much to do basic tasks? Why am I just a complete failure at everything I do? I’m so young I’ve got so much life yet, but I know things only get harder as you age, and if struggling now, what’s gonna happen later on? Is there really any point in trying to live on, if I know I’m gonna fall under even more?

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