What The fuck should i do

I am not asking for help, i just want to say this since i have no one to say it to. WHERE TF DID I DO WRONG, theres not a minute that passes by without me thinking about ways to improve my self and actually putting the work, before i sleep im always analyzing how i handled situations and if i took the right choice or not, and what lesson can i obtain from these situations, im always self criticising myself trying to find flaws in me, sometimes i fix em but the majority i just hide them, i eat good i sleep good i workout and work i study im always up for social gatherings i love public speaking and meeting new people, externally im confident, but i dont have confidence in myself, rather more im disgusted in myself, if someone that knows me were to read this they would be suprised because in no way shape or form i project this selfharm. But no matter what i do i cant reach my goals, im putting too much effort and get no result compared to people around me that would achieve my goals subconsciously. FUCK THIS SHIT

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