Girlfriend just admitted some wild stuff and attributed it to mental health. Help

Hey everyone,
So quick context, my girlfriend of almost a year has been having some conflict recently with her roommate, which is a double edged sword cause her roommate is dating mine. This is over a variety of stuff but mainly who gets our room when (our room is a lot better, I’m okay with them having it primarily, they just started dating but she doesn’t like them having it) and it’s escalated to a point where my girlfriend is crying every night about this. She even made a shared google document to help us schedule who has the room when (even though it’s not her room, my roommate and his girlfriend immediately shot it down) so it’s been an interesting time.

Last night she called me over crying, and when I came over and asked what was wrong she said that she’d thought about lacing my roommates’ weed with something. He smokes a lot and that’s probably a lot of the reason why he wants to stay in the room. She said that she’d “never actually do it” but she’s thought about it and even looked poisons/chemicals up on the internet, and when she realized the extent of what she was doing she broke down and called me. She attributed this, and said her therapist did as well, to poor mental health and this is a completely normal occurrence, and these feelings are normal for one to have and shouldn’t be a worry. Some other stuff happened in this conversation such as her coming out as bi which was totally out of nowhere, I’m obviously honored she’d come out to me first but given the timing of the situation it didn’t really sit well and wasn’t some big happy moment.

Question(s) for you all: What the hell just happened and what do I do next? Am I really supposed to keep on going with this and be understanding when she’s expressed these dangerous feelings to me, no matter how minor they are? If she’s getting this bent out of shape over our room being occupied by another couple, what’ll happen if something that actually matters occurs?? I feel like anybody in their right mind would get out of this as fast as they can but I don’t know, I just wanted to check to make sure I wasn’t crazy for thinking this interaction was. Any and all help would be appreciated, thank you 🙂

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