Friend overstepped the line tonight and wouldn’t take no for an answer, is this text too far/too much?

Text to the friend –

“We need to speak about the happenings of this evening.

I am disgusted with you dude. Like seriously fucking grossed out. You tell me you’ve got yourself a girlfriend and so i feel comfortable enough to visit you in your home, as I’m confident you’re a nice person who wouldn’t so brazenly cheat on his perfectly nice, new girlfriend – and you attempt to shove your tongue down my throat to the point that I had to whip my head back so fast my neck now hurts.

THEN you decided to get on your knees whilst I was sitting on your sofa to try to place yourself between my tightly closed legs before you made oral sex gestures towards me with your tongue whilst I refused to even make eye contact with you.

My cries of “no, stop it!” fell on deaf ears, you clearly thought I was being coy.
News flash – sometimes we **really** do mean no when we say it. I’ve never before had to look a man dead in the eyes to state “you’re frightening me” to make him stop. I’m 30 years old yet I’ve never experienced that in my life. I’ll give you the benefit of doubt in that you looked pretty shell-shocked by my stating I was frightened, which signifies there is absolutely a human being in there with feelings. But the fact remains that I had told you NO about 5 times before having to tell you I was frightened and you should have stopped prior to that. I’ll never again feel comfortable visiting you in your home or having you round at mine due to your behaviour. You thought all of this would bode well with me? Asking me if you didn’t have a girlfriend would I say yes to your propositions? Lmao – no I would not.

You’re clearly okay with playing the field. If they’ll cheat with you, they’ll cheat on you. Which is exactly why you never stand a chance with me. No, i’m not going to be your casual fuck toy whilst your missus is not around, you fucking animal. I never want to speak to you again. NO means take your fucking hands off my body before I break every bone in yours. You should be ashamed of yourself. Fuck you.”

Edit – this fucking guy has just text me, saying he was about to blow his load over me running my fingers through my hair. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?

12 Replies to “Friend overstepped the line tonight and wouldn’t take no for an answer, is this text too far/too much?

  1. This text is definitely NOT going too far. This guy tried to SA you. I’m not super familiar with laws for SA, but you might be able to go to the police regarding this creep.

  2. This guy is disgusting and the text is not too much or going too far. It needs to be said. Do you know his girlfriend? Maybe she should get a text too to warn her about him

  3. there’s some good power in these words.. I hope they help him find his way and you feel better after sending it to him

    sorry you have to educate like a mom, sounds like he didn’t really have one..

  4. I don’t think you owe this guy any consideration or explanation whatsoever. Say whatever you want to say to him, block him, and consider pressing charges–maybe in reverse order, as an attorney may tell you not to communicate with him at all. I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice.

  5. Yikes. Seems like that dude is totally nuts, which is driven home tenfold with his reply to your text. My gut tells me that he’s got the potential to become a full-on rapist.

    Maybe block him/get a restraining order/report him to the police/do all of it. Re police – not just to protect yourself, but also others from him. Your text definitely did not go to far, that situation was threatening.

  6. I think you have every right to go further if you want to. I’d also say maybe contact the girlfriend to tell her. He sounds dangerous. He tries to kiss you, you whip your head away and **after** that he tries to go down on you and needs to be told over 5 times to stop? Truthfully, I’m surprised he stopped at all without you literally sprinting
    away and I think there’s a good chance he does this again with his gf or another woman who may be too frightened or intoxicated to be able to stop him

  7. The text he sent you sounds like harassment. You clearly said no more contact and he sent something gross. I would make a trip to the precinct and tell your story. There might not be enough evidence to get him arrested. But, you can probably get a no contact order (restraining order). It’s a bit of a hassle, but it will help you regain your power, and be a hell of a wake-up call to this jerk. In most places these orders are public records. Any woman thinking of dating him might do,a little online searching and find it. DO IT.

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