depressed because i feel ugly, fat, and lonely…

Ugh, seriously, can we talk about how much it sucks to feel like the ugliest, fattest, loneliest person on the planet? Like, I look in the mirror and all I see are flaws staring right back at me. Every time I try on clothes, it’s a battle with my own body, and I swear nothing ever fits right. It’s like my reflection is constantly reminding me of how far I am from society’s messed-up standards of beauty.

And don’t even get me started on feeling lonely. It’s like I’m living in my own little bubble of isolation while everyone else is out there living their best lives. I scroll through social media, seeing all these perfect-looking people with their perfect-looking relationships, and I’m just here, feeling like I don’t belong anywhere.

I try to put myself out there, you know? But it’s like I’m invisible to everyone else. And when I do manage to make a connection, it always ends the same way – with me feeling even more alone than before. It’s like I’m cursed to wander through life feeling like I’m not good enough for anyone or anything.

I’m so tired of feeling this way, but I don’t know how to break out of this cycle. All I want is to feel beautiful, confident, and loved, but it feels like an impossible dream. Sometimes I wonder if things will ever change or if I’m doomed to feel like this forever. It’s like I’m stuck in this never-ending nightmare, and I don’t know how to wake up.

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