I need help I saw something horrible on the internet and I don’t know how to cope

Please don’t ignore this I’m begging you

I am bipolar if that change anything to the situation. Someone I don’t know from 4chan sent me something I’ll problably never forget it’s been 8 hours since it happened I’m still shaking i tried drinking to forget it and it worked a bit but I’m trembling again I’m thinking about drinking again I want this out of my head please help me i don’t know what to do I want it to stop why are humans this horrible make it stop, help me please

I’ve gone too deep on the internet it’s my fault I talked to the wrong people why did I do that don’t do the same mistake as me the internet is just pain people are horrible get out while you still can , that’s ironic I say that on the internet but it’s different here I feel like it’s not gonna go bad here

Help I scratched myself I’m bleeding and trembling I can’t be like that I need to get better I have people to see tomorrow I don’t know how I’m gonna do it please give me tips I can’t do this alone

I wanted to kill myself before but this is even worse please help me

I’m gonna drink a bit it helped today maybe it’ll help me sleep the only problem is that I didn’t anything and alcohol doesn’t go well with my meds

Alcohol stopped the trembling it’s a bit easier with alcohol I stop thinking about what I saw but this is not a good long therm solution can you guys help me find another way than alcohol?

I feel drunk enough that I might be able to get a bit of sleep see you tomorrow guys

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