Hate My Job, Hate Where I live, Hate Myself & I Don’t Know What To Do About It!

My thought patterns always just come back to this. I checked out of my job last October when shit hit the fan and I was kicked out of my office of 2 when my manager backed me into a corner and I ended up telling him he’s lazy (because he really is). I no longer care, as my job has changed and work has been taken from me, and I’m left doing some random shit for other departments. Mind numbing stuff, and not even enough to last me the week.

Anyway, i need to leave. I NEED TO. But I have no idea what the fuck I’m going to do. Job searching delivers me a few options, 1. Unskilled work (mostly retail) that pays okay (not much less than I’m on now). 2. Apprenticeships that pay very little, in something that might interest me (i can wave goodbye to getting a house any time soom), 3. A few better paid jobs i may be qualified for, but sound incredibly fucking boring. And then there’s the real interesting stuff that I’m just not qualified for but am more interested in.

There’s nothing I want in life that seems achievable to me based on life so far (and I only want a house a newer car, nothing fancy just something). And I wonder what the fuck is the point? I’m getting nowhere in life I actually mights as well stop now.

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