DISCLAIMER: I’m not sure if this is asking for medical advice breaking the rule. But if it is I didn’t mean to and I’ll take this down if asked.
I’ve had a pretty alright life so far, I’m still young so I still have a lot to do. But sometimes my mental health gets really really bad. Occasionally I put myself into an isolation, ghosting all my friends, looking at the worse and contemplating ending it. It seems each time it happens it gets worse but it only lasts for a day to a week. Then I’m fine and happy again for quite a while.
I guess what I’m asking is: is these waves of whatever it is just sadness from whatever bad choices I’m making at the time then I get over it and suck it up? Or is it something that I need to get looked at? Might be a really stupid question but when i’m feeling fine what I was like feels so stupid to me because honestly I have nothing to be THAT sad about. I don’t know, any advice is appreciated.