A Question – Brain Operation + Stroke + Seizures = ??

Long story short, I was operated on a little under a year ago for an unruptured brain aneurysm. It was too big to deal with in a conventional way, so they had to do a "bypass". During the operation, the aneurysm popped and started to bleed. In order to stop it, they had to kill a vein sitting close to the aneurysm which caused a mild stroke. About four months after I had an epileptic seizure. Am now up to two and have been seizure free since my last one roughly six months ago.

But a few days after the operation I started feeling "off", and the further I get from the operation the less I feel like myself. Like the original me is off doing his own thing and I'm just a copy doing my thing in a way.

I feel these abstract feelings at times that are hard to explain, like I'll feel normal and then all of a sudden a rush of a feeling will wash over me making me feel like I'm in another place, in another time. Or all of a sudden I'll relieve emotions from many decades ago. Not remembering anything, just feeling the feelings I had during that experience, like my Disneyland trip when I was four! Not all the emotions are negative, like the Disneyland feeling. But some are just off putting but just gives me anxiety as they're just so out there.

I'm going to see my GP doctor next week and just want to give him a good explanation as to what I'm experiencing, or maybe ask is "this what I have" if someone can throw some ideas out there.

I don't know if it's the medication I'm on for the seizures or what. For the first medication I was on was called Lamictal. They would give me extreme anxiety attacks but I still felt like myself. Then they switched me to a medication called Zebinix. And I'm unsure if that's causing it or what or if something else is going on.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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