Am I depressed or lazy?

I am 19 (F) and have just gotten home for summer from college. My current living situation is at “home” with my mom and dad. It’s hard for me to call it home because this is my first time living here as my parents moved here while I was at college, which WAS 30 minutes away from my parents. Without giving you the actual location, they moved 8 hours away, moving me away from all of my friends, college and high school. What’s even funnier is that this isn’t the first big move that has affected my life as we had moved four hours to a different location in the middle of my high school career. Sorry for getting off track, but I thought I would let you know that I am currently stuck in this house that I am unfamiliar with, not able to hang out with anyone all summer. I have applied to 10+ jobs, getting a small lead on one which has gone no where, my parents constantly laying it on me for not doing more to get employed. Leaving me sad and frustrated with nothing to do all day but rot in my bed. I thought, okay, this is a perfect opportunity to get fit and go to the gym everyday. But, recently I have had no motivation to do anything but lay down everyday, even struggling to do my skincare and brushing my teeth before bed, just rotting. I feel like I’m just being dramatic and need to stop being lazy. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

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