An 11 year old likes me ?

I am a 24f I live in an apartment building in a studio, I’ve been living in this building for almost 2 years now. One of my neighbors has a an 11 Year old kid, he’s nice, he always says hi when he sees me and I do to. We barely talk, unless there’s an occasion. He has a dad and a grandma, his dad is also nice and we talk occasionally but we are not close at all.

Last week, his son developed a sudden interest in me. He would come to my apt and knock, the first time he did that I didn’t think anything of it. He asked to hang out in my place, I was confused, I said why? Do you need anything? He said no, he just wanted to hang out with someone. I felt bad, but I didn’t feel comfortable letting him in without his parents permission, I lied and told him I am on an online meeting. After few minutes, he knocks on my door again, same things asks me to hang out with him, I repeated myself that I am busy, I will talk to him when I am done. I asked him if his parents were home? And he said yes. So I knew he wasn’t alone and needed a place to stay.

He does the same thing again and again in the span of an hour. I got fed up, and went out, I got him UNO cards and told him ok let’s play cards, he said let’s play at your place, and I said again No, let’s play at the terrace (shared space in the building), he agreed we played couple times, I let him win few times. Whenever he wins, he asks to hug me. I innocently said ok sure, he hugged me so tight and started kissing me in the cheeks. I felt very uncomfortable because he repeated that a lot, like every time he wins a game.

And then we stopped playing and we were talking about school and friends, and I found out that his mom left him so he’s raised by his dad and grandma. And that he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He also mentioned that his parents doesn’t have money and that their apt is small and that he sleeps with his grandma. I felt bad for him and I knew he just wanted love and affection. Again, he suddenly starts hugging me, lean on me put his head on my chest, as much as I felt bad for him .. I still felt uncomfortable. I tried to comfort him saying I also live here alone far from my parents.. etc.

His grandma went out looking for him, she sees us and says hi, she asks him: did she want to play with you? And he replies: I wanted her to play with me. Grandma:but what if she said no? Lil boy: well there’s nothing I can do. This conversation made me think it’s something he does often.

It started raining so I told him let’s go back inside see you later. He asked me to play in my place, that he really wanna see my place. I told him no I can’t, your grandma will be looking for you. He says she won’t mind, and pretends like he is going inside to ask her but I know he didn’t even go inside. And he lies and says she said ok. I insist and tell him I gotta go. He hugged me goodbye and start kissing me, he tried to kiss me in the lips and I panicked and quickly pushed him away.

Few minutes pass and he is back knocking on my door asking to play inside. I refused and he kept coming back. Next day early in the morning at 9, it was a weekend and I usually sleep in late, he starts knocking. I see him through the peephole but I don’t open, he keeps knocking non stop. Until I hear his grandma yelling at him to stop and get back inside, I couldn’t hear very well but I think she said: you’re annoying the whole building. And the first thing that pops into my mind is that I always hear constant knocking at the hallway some of my neighbors doors but they never open. I would hear this pattern of knocking often but I didnt really care. I am not close with any of my neighbors, I am a foreigner and they’re all locals, there’s cultural and language barrier (I speak their lang but not fluent).

Today, he is back again knocking at my door. When I don’t open, he would start touching the lock, I know he can’t open the door but it scares the shit outta me. I opened the door eventually and firmly refused but I tried to remain calm and nice. I asked him not to touch the lock and stop touching my door and making noises. He says ok but asks for a hug and without me accepting he reaches out to me, this time I push him and say no stop. Please go.

I don’t know what will happen after this, I am hoping me rejecting him will bring things back to normal. If not, I will have to talk to his dad or grandma about it. But I am scared of their reaction , they could get all defensive and accuse me for provoking him since I played with him. Also he could lie and accuse me of something, I am no pedo!

I am genuinely scared and don’t know what to do and I don’t wanna move out, I love my studio rent is perfect for me. Any advice ?

4 Replies to “An 11 year old likes me ?

  1. honestly at his age it’s entirely possible signs of some early puberty are starting to show. it’s “normal” for the kid to be that way but you need to set boundaries. hugs are just hugs, he obviously is trying to take advantage of you, and even if it’s a child, if you encourage that behaviour one day it’ll be a 16 year old guy that does not care for consent. so i’d say talk to his grandma or father about it. if you want to spend time with him without having to be incomfortable it’s really the only way, or you could just ask his father or grandmother to stop him from visiting you.

  2. You need to be straight up and very firm with this kid and his carers. If you don’t, and continue to allow this behaviour he will grow into a man who doesn’t care about women’s safety or consent. If it was me, I’d have a very serious chat with the father and grandmother, I wouldn’t care how they react as this is serious.

  3. Without knowing the kid, he could have learning difficulties or be neurodivergent, not that that makes it ok what he’s doing, but maybe having a conversation with the father could help as it may help you and the family to better understand things. It’s tough these days as when I was a kid neighbours were friendly, looked out for us, everyone was part of a community but today there is so much going on that just being a nice person can lead to accusations and assumptions. Id suggest staking to the family though, don’t give up where you live for something that can be dealt with.

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